
4 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)
Published year: 20144

Abstract (Expand)

To define the role of radiotherapy and intrathecal prophylaxis in extralymphatic craniofacial involvement (ECFI) of aggressive B-cell lymphoma, we analyzed 11 consecutive German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group trials. ECFI occurred in 290/4155 (7.0%) patients (orbita, 31; paranasal sinuses, 93; main nasal cavity, 38; tongue, 27; remaining oral cavity, 99; salivary glands, 54). In a multivariable analysis adjusted for International Prognostic Index rituximab improved event-free and overall survival both in patients with and without ECFI. Three-year event-free (79% vs 79%; P = .842) and overall survival (86% vs 88%; P = .351) rates were similar in 145 patients receiving and 57 not receiving radiotherapy. Without rituximab, the 2-year cumulative rate of central nervous system (CNS) disease was increased in 205 ECFI patients compared with 2586 non-ECFI patients (4.2% vs 2.8%; P = .038), whereas this was not observed with rituximab (1.6% in 83 ECFI vs 3.4% in 1252 non-ECFI patients; P = .682). In 88 ECFI patients who received intrathecal prophylaxis with methotrexate, the 2-year rate of CNS disease was 4.2% compared with 2.3% in 191 patients who did not (P = .981). In conclusion, rituximab eliminates the increased risk for CNS disease in patients with ECFI. This retrospective analysis does not support intrathecal prophylaxis or radiotherapy to ECFI patients in complete remission/unconfirmed complete remission. These findings should be confirmed in a prospective study.

Authors: N. Murawski, G. Held, M. Ziepert, B. Kempf, A. Viardot, M. Hanel, M. Witzens-Harig, R. Mahlberg, C. Rube, J. Fleckenstein, C. Zwick, B. Glass, N. Schmitz, S. Zeynalova, M. Pfreundschuh

Date Published: 31st Jul 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: B-cell lymphoma


Not specified

Authors: K. Hohloch, S. Zeynalova, G. Held, M. Ziepert, M. Loeffler, G. Wulf, N. Schmitz, M. Pfreundschuh, L. Trumper

Date Published: 10th Jul 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Tumors are composed of phenotypically heterogeneous cell populations. The nongenomic mechanisms underlying transitions and interactions between cell populations are largely unknown. Here, we show that diffuse large B-cell lymphomas possess a self-organized infrastructure comprising side population (SP) and non-SP cells, where transitions between clonogenic states are modulated by exosome-mediated Wnt signaling. DNA methylation modulated SP-non-SP transitions and was correlated with the reciprocal expressions of Wnt signaling pathway agonist Wnt3a in SP cells and the antagonist secreted frizzled-related protein 4 in non-SP cells. Lymphoma SP cells exhibited autonomous clonogenicity and exported Wnt3a via exosomes to neighboring cells, thus modulating population equilibrium in the tumor.

Authors: R. Koch, M. Demant, T. Aung, N. Diering, A. Cicholas, B. Chapuy, D. Wenzel, M. Lahmann, A. Guntsch, C. Kiecke, S. Becker, T. Hupfeld, V. Venkataramani, M. Ziepert, L. Opitz, W. Klapper, L. Trumper, G. G. Wulf

Date Published: 3rd Apr 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


Not specified

Authors: J. Meissner, D. Tichy, S. Dietrich, T. Schmitt, M. Ziepert, E. Kuhnt, T. Rixecker, M. Witzens-Harig, M. Pfreundschuh, A. D. Ho

Date Published: 3rd Apr 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: lymphoma

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