
4 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)
Published year: 20154

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVES: Recent genome-wide association studies identified a number of chromosomal risk loci for bipolar disorder (BD, 'manic-depressive illness'). According to the vigilance regulation model, the regulation of brain arousal (referred to as 'vigilance') when assessed via EEG is an emerging biomarker linked to the pathogenesis of manic and depressive episodes. On this basis, the present study aimed to assess whether carriers of BD risk alleles differ in brain arousal regulation. METHODS: Healthy participants of the population-based Leipzig Health Care Study (LIFE) underwent a 20-min eyes-closed resting EEG paradigm. Brain arousal was assessed applying the computer-based Vigilance Algorithm Leipzig (VIGALL). The primary sample (n = 540) was genotyped for ten of the most reliable BD risk variants, of which two qualified for replication (n = 509). RESULTS: Primary sample analyses revealed Bonferroni-adjusted significance for rs1006737 in CACNA1C (encoding a calcium channel subunit), with risk allele carriers exhibiting relatively steep brain arousal declines. Further, carriers of two risk alleles of rs472913 at 1p32.1 showed generally lower brain arousal levels for the duration of the resting paradigm. However, both associations failed replication. CONCLUSION: Although our initial findings are in line with the vigilance regulation model and convincing in view of the previously reported notable role of ion channelopathies in BD, our results do not provide consistent evidence for a link between BD risk variants and brain arousal regulation. Several between-sample differences may account for this inconsistency. The molecular genetics of brain arousal regulation remain to be clarified.

Authors: P. Jawinski, C. Sander, N. Mauche, J. Spada, J. Huang, A. Schmidt, M. Hantzsch, R. Burkhardt, M. Scholz, U. Hegerl, T. Hensch

Date Published: 29th Oct 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: bipolar disorder

Abstract (Expand)

Minor depression is diagnosed when a patient suffers from 2 to 4 depressive symptoms for at least 2 weeks. Though minor depression is a widespread phenomenon, its pathophysiology has hardly been studied. To get a first insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this disorder we assessed serum levels of biomarkers for plasticity, glial and neuronal function: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), S100B and neuron specific enolase (NSE). 27 subjects with minor depressive episode and 82 healthy subjects over 60 years of age were selected from the database of the Leipzig population-based study of civilization diseases (LIFE). Serum levels of BDNF, S100B and NSE were compared between groups, and correlated with age, body-mass index (BMI), and degree of white matter hyperintensities (score on Fazekas scale). S100B was significantly increased in males with minor depression in comparison to healthy males, whereas other biomarkers did not differ between groups (p = 0.10-0.66). NSE correlated with Fazekas score in patients with minor depression (rs = 0.436, p = 0.048) and in the whole sample (rs = 0.252, p = 0.019). S100B correlated with BMI (rs = 0.246, p = 0.031) and with age in healthy subjects (rs = 0.345, p = 0.002). Increased S100B in males with minor depression, without alterations in BDNF and NSE, supports the glial hypothesis of depression. Correlation between white matter hyperintensities and NSE underscores the vascular hypothesis of late life depression.

Authors: M. Polyakova, C. Sander, K. Arelin, L. Lampe, T. Luck, M. Luppa, J. Kratzsch, K. T. Hoffmann, S. Riedel-Heller, A. Villringer, P. Schoenknecht, M. L. Schroeter

Date Published: 27th Oct 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: mental depression

Abstract (Expand)

Background: The P3 is related to cognitive functions, psychopathology and effects of cognition-improving and -impairing drugs. Studies assessing the chronic effects of smoking on P3 mostly reported a reduction of P3 amplitude for chronic and former smokers. To date, only a few studies have analyzed this impact by using a three-stimulus oddball paradigm. This study tries to replicate previous smoking associations applying an eyes-closed active three-stimulus oddball paradigm in a well-diagnosed population based sample of healthy elderly subjects who were allowed to smoke ad libitum. The study also tries to estimate whether smoking is a relevant confounder in P3 assessment within the analyzed sample. Methods: From the Leipzig Health Care Study (LIFE) current, former and non-smokers without mental or neurological disorders were matched by age, sex and qualification. Risky alcohol consumption was further exclusion criterion given the strong association between alcoholism and P3 amplitude reduction. Results: Smoking status was not associated with any P3 parameter, with exception of prolonged P3a latency at Fz in former smokers compared to never smokers. Also, there were no significant effects of smoking status on any of the behavioral measures or a correlation with smoking-related data. Discussion: This study indicates that smoking does not seem to relevantly impact the P3 components in non-abstaining healthy elderly subjects when confounders are controlled for.

Authors: N. Mauche, C. Sander, P. Jawinski, C. Enzenbach, S. Olbrich, P. Schonknecht, U. Hegerl, T. Hensch

Date Published: 1st Sep 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The LIFE-Adult-Study is a population-based cohort study, which has recently completed the baseline examination of 10,000 randomly selected participants from Leipzig, a major city with 550,000 inhabitants in the east of Germany. It is the first study of this kind and size in an urban population in the eastern part of Germany. The study is conducted by the Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE). Our objective is to investigate prevalences, early onset markers, genetic predispositions, and the role of lifestyle factors of major civilization diseases, with primary focus on metabolic and vascular diseases, heart function, cognitive impairment, brain function, depression, sleep disorders and vigilance dysregulation, retinal and optic nerve degeneration, and allergies. METHODS/DESIGN: The study covers a main age range from 40-79 years with particular deep phenotyping in elderly participants above the age of 60. The baseline examination was conducted from August 2011 to November 2014. All participants underwent an extensive core assessment programme (5-6 h) including structured interviews, questionnaires, physical examinations, and biospecimen collection. Participants over 60 underwent two additional assessment programmes (3-4 h each) on two separate visits including deeper cognitive testing, brain magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic interviews for depression, and electroencephalography. DISCUSSION: The participation rate was 33 %. The assessment programme was accepted well and completely passed by almost all participants. Biomarker analyses have already been performed in all participants. Genotype, transcriptome and metabolome analyses have been conducted in subgroups. The first follow-up examination will commence in 2016.

Authors: M. Loeffler, C. Engel, P. Ahnert, D. Alfermann, K. Arelin, R. Baber, F. Beutner, H. Binder, E. Brahler, R. Burkhardt, U. Ceglarek, C. Enzenbach, M. Fuchs, H. Glaesmer, F. Girlich, A. Hagendorff, M. Hantzsch, U. Hegerl, S. Henger, T. Hensch, A. Hinz, V. Holzendorf, D. Husser, A. Kersting, A. Kiel, T. Kirsten, J. Kratzsch, K. Krohn, T. Luck, S. Melzer, J. Netto, M. Nuchter, M. Raschpichler, F. G. Rauscher, S. G. Riedel-Heller, C. Sander, M. Scholz, P. Schonknecht, M. L. Schroeter, J. C. Simon, R. Speer, J. Staker, R. Stein, Y. Stobel-Richter, M. Stumvoll, A. Tarnok, A. Teren, D. Teupser, F. S. Then, A. Tonjes, R. Treudler, A. Villringer, A. Weissgerber, P. Wiedemann, S. Zachariae, K. Wirkner, J. Thiery

Date Published: 22nd Jul 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: disease of mental health, mental depression, vascular disease, allergic hypersensitivity disease, sleep disorder, retinal degeneration

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