
88 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)

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We describe a Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) filter based segmentation approach for whole tissue samples, combining floating intensity thresholding and rule-based feature detection. Method is validated against manual counts and compared with two commercial software kits (Tissue Studio 64, Definiens AG, and Halo, Indica Labs) and a straightforward machine-learning approach in a set of 50 test images. Further, the novel method and both commercial packages are applied to a set of 44 whole tissue sections. Outputs are compared with gene expression data available for the same tissue samples. Finally, the ROF based method is applied to 44 expert-specified tumor subregions for testing selection and subsampling strategies. Our method is deterministic, fully automated, externally repeatable, independent on training data and -- in difference to most commercial software kits -- completely documented. Among all tested methods, the novel approach is best correlated with manual count (0.9297). Automated detection of evaluation subregions proved to be fully reliable. Subsampling within tumor subregions is possible with results almost identical to full sampling. Comparison with gene expression data obtained for the same tissue samples reveals only moderate to low correlation levels, thus indicating that image morphometry constitutes an independent source of information about antibody-polarized macrophage occurence and distribution.

Authors: Marcus Wagner, René Hänsel, Sarah Reinke, Julia Richter, Michael Altenbuchinger, Ulf-Dietrich Braumann, Rainer Spang, Markus Löffler, Wolfram Klapper

Date Published: No date defined

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Mit der zunehmenden Anzahl eingenommener Arzneimittel steigt die Prävalenz von Medikationsrisiken. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen, welche erwünschte und unerwünschte Wirkungen einzelner Arzneistoffe reduzieren aber auch verstärken können. Fragestellung Das Verbundvorhaben POLAR (POLypharmazie, Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und Risiken) hat das Ziel, mit Methoden und Prozessen der Medizininformatikinitiative (MII) auf Basis von „Real World Data“ (stationärer Behandlungsdaten von Universitätskliniken) einen Beitrag zur Detektion von Medikationsrisiken bei Patient:innen mit Polymedikation zu leisten. Im Artikel werden die konkreten klinischen Probleme dargestellt und am konkreten Auswertebeispiel illustriert. Material und Methoden Konkrete pharmakologische Fragestellungen werden algorithmisch abgebildet und an 13 Datenintegrationszentren in verteilten Analysen ausgewertet. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Anwendung dieser Algorithmen ist die Kerndatensatzstruktur der MII, die auf internationale IT-, Interoperabilitäts- und Terminologiestandards setzt. Ergebnisse In POLAR konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass stationäre Behandlungsdaten standortübergreifend auf der Basis abgestimmter, interoperabler Datenaustauschformate datenschutzkonform für Forschungsfragen zu arzneimittelbezogenen Problemen nutzbar gemacht werden können. Schlussfolgerungen Als Zwischenstand in POLAR wird ein erstes vorläufiges Ergebnis einer Analyse gezeigt. Darüber hinaus werden allgemeinere technische, rechtliche, kommunikative Chancen und Herausforderungen dargestellt, wobei der Fokus auf dem Fall der Verwendung stationärer Behandlungsdaten als „Real World Data“ für die Forschung liegt.

Authors: André Scherag, Wahram Andrikyan, Tobias Dreischulte, Pauline Dürr, Martin F Fromm, Jan Gewehr, Ulrich Jaehde, Miriam Kesselmeier, Renke Maas, Petra A Thürmann, Frank Meineke, Daniel Neumann, Julia Palm, Thomas Peschel, Editha Räuscher, Susann Schulze, Torsten Thalheim, Thomas Wendt, Markus Loeffler, D Ammon, W Andrikyan, U Bartz, B Bergh, T Bertsche, O Beyan, S Biergans, H Binder, M Boeker, H Bogatsch, R Böhm, A Böhmer, J Brandes, C Bulin, D Caliskan, I Cascorbi, M Coenen, F Dietz, F Dörje, T Dreischulte, J Drepper, P Dürr, A Dürschmid, F Eckelt, R Eils, A Eisert, C Engel, F Erdfelder, K Farker, M Federbusch, S Franke, N Freier, T Frese, M Fromm, K Fünfgeld, T Ganslandt, J Gewehr, D Grigutsch, W Haefeli, U Hahn, A Härdtlein, R Harnisch, S Härterich, M Hartmann, R Häuslschmid, C Haverkamp, O Heinze, P Horki, M Hug, T Iskra, U Jaehde, S Jäger, P Jürs, C Jüttner, J Kaftan, T Kaiser, K Karsten Dafonte, M Kesselmeier, S Kiefer, S Klasing, O Kohlbacher, D Kraska, S Krause, S Kreutzke, R Krock, K Kuhn, S Lederer, M Lehne, M Löbe, M Loeffler, C Lohr, V Lowitsch, N Lüneburg, M Lüönd, I Lutz, R Maas, U Mansmann, K Marquardt, A Medek, F Meineke, A Merzweiler, A Michel-Backofen, Y Mou, B Mussawy, D Neumann, J Neumann, C Niklas, M Nüchter, K Oswald, J Palm, T Peschel, H Prokosch, J Przybilla, E Räuscher, L Redeker, Y Remane, A Riedel, M Rottenkolber, F Rottmann, F Salman, J Schepers, A Scherag, F Schmidt, S Schmiedl, K Schmitz, G Schneider, A Scholtz, S Schorn, B Schreiweis, S Schulze, A K Schuster, M Schwab, H Seidling, S Semler, K Senft, M Slupina, R Speer, S Stäubert, D Steinbach, C Stelzer, H Stenzhorn, M Strobel, T Thalheim, M Then, P Thürmann, D Tiller, P Tippmann, Y Ucer, S Unger, J Vogel, J Wagner, J Wehrle, D Weichart, L Weisbach, S Welten, T Wendt, R Wettstein, I Wittenberg, R Woltersdorf, M Yahiaoui-Doktor, S Zabka, S Zenker, S Zeynalova, L Zimmermann, D Zöller, für das POLAR-Projekt

Date Published: 1st Sep 2022

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

INTRODUCTION: The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a highly relevant entity in critical care with mortality rates of 40%. Despite extensive scientific efforts, outcome-relevant therapeutic measures are still insufficiently practised at the bedside. Thus, there is a clear need to adhere to early diagnosis and sufficient therapy in ARDS, assuring lower mortality and multiple organ failure. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: In this quality improvement strategy (QIS), a decision support system as a mobile application (ASIC app), which uses available clinical real-time data, is implemented to support physicians in timely diagnosis and improvement of adherence to established guidelines in the treatment of ARDS. ASIC is conducted on 31 intensive care units (ICUs) at 8 German university hospitals. It is designed as a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised QIS. ICUs are combined into 12 clusters which are randomised in 12 steps. After preparation (18 months) and a control phase of 8 months for all clusters, the first cluster enters a roll-in phase (3 months) that is followed by the actual QIS phase. The remaining clusters follow in month wise steps. The coprimary key performance indicators (KPIs) consist of the ARDS diagnostic rate and guideline adherence regarding lung-protective ventilation. Secondary KPIs include the prevalence of organ dysfunction within 28 days after diagnosis or ICU discharge, the treatment duration on ICU and the hospital mortality. Furthermore, the user acceptance and usability of new technologies in medicine are examined. To show improvements in healthcare of patients with ARDS, differences in primary and secondary KPIs between control phase and QIS will be tested. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was obtained from the independent Ethics Committee (EC) at the RWTH Aachen Faculty of Medicine (local EC reference number: EK 102/19) and the respective data protection officer in March 2019. The results of the ASIC QIS will be presented at conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: DRKS00014330.

Authors: Gernot Marx, Johannes Bickenbach, Sebastian Johannes Fritsch, Julian Benedict Kunze, Oliver Maassen, Saskia Deffge, Jennifer Kistermann, Silke Haferkamp, Irina Lutz, Nora Kristiana Voellm, Volker Lowitsch, Richard Polzin, Konstantin Sharafutdinov, Hannah Mayer, Lars Kuepfer, Rolf Burghaus, Walter Schmitt, Joerg Lippert, Morris Riedel, Chadi Barakat, André Stollenwerk, Simon Fonck, Christian Putensen, Sven Zenker, Felix Erdfelder, Daniel Grigutsch, Rainer Kram, Susanne Beyer, Knut Kampe, Jan Erik Gewehr, Friederike Salman, Patrick Juers, Stefan Kluge, Daniel Tiller, Emilia Wisotzki, Sebastian Gross, Lorenz Homeister, Frank Bloos, André Scherag, Danny Ammon, Susanne Mueller, Julia Palm, Philipp Simon, Nora Jahn, Markus Loeffler, Thomas Wendt, Tobias Schuerholz, Petra Groeber, Andreas Schuppert

Date Published: 1st Apr 2021

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

Purpose: The onset and progression of optic neuropathies like glaucoma often occurs asymmetrically between the two eyes of a patient. Interocular circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (cpRNFLT) differences could detect disease earlier. To apply such differences diagnostically, detailed location specific norms are necessary. Methods: Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography cpRNFLT circle scans from the population-based Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases–Adult study were selected. At each of the 768 radial scanning locations, normative interocular cpRNFLT difference distributions were calculated based on age and interocular radius difference. Results: A total of 8966 cpRNFLT scans of healthy eyes (4483 patients; 55% female; age range, 20–79 years) were selected. Global cpRNFLT average was 1.53 µm thicker in right eyes (P < 2.2 × 10–16). On 96% of the 768 locations, left minus right eye differences were significant (P < 0.05), varying between +11.6 µm (superonasal location) and −11.8 µm (nasal location). Increased age and difference in interocular scanning radii were associated with an increased mean and variance of interocular cpRNFLT difference at most retinal locations, apart from the area temporal to the inferior RNF bundle where cpRNFLT becomes more similar between eyes with age. Conclusions: We provide pointwise normative distributions of interocular cpRNFLT differences at an unprecedentedly high spatial resolution of 768 A-scans and reveal considerable location specific asymmetries as well as their associations with age and scanning radius differences between eyes. Translational Relevance: To facilitate clinical application, we implement these age- and radius-specific norms across all 768 locations in an open-source software to generate patient-specific normative color plots.

Authors: Neda Baniasadi, Franziska G. Rauscher, Dian Li, Mengyu Wang, Eun Young Choi, Hui Wang, Thomas Peschel, Kerstin Wirkner, Toralf Kirsten, Joachim Thiery, Christoph Engel, Markus Loeffler, Tobias Elze

Date Published: 3rd Aug 2020

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

PTCL patients exhibit poor survival with existing treatments. We investigated the efficacy of CHOP combined with alemtuzumab in 116 PTCL patients age 61-80 in an open-label, randomized phase 3 trial. Alemtuzumab was given on day 1, to a total of 360 mg in 21 patients, or 120 mg in 37. Hematotoxicity was increased with A-CHOP resulting in more grade >/=3 infections (40% versus 21%) and 4 versus 1 death due to infections, respectively. CR/CRu rate was 60% for A-CHOP and 43% for CHOP, and OR rate was 72% and 66%, respectively. Three-year-EFS, PFS and OS were 27% [15%-39%], 28% [15%-40%], and 37% ([23%-50%] for A-CHOP, and 24% [12%-35%], 29% [17%-41%], and 56% [44%-69%] for CHOP, respectively, showing no significant differences. Multivariate analyses, adjusted for strata and sex confirmed these results (hazard ratio HREFS: 0.7 ([95% CI: 0.5-1.1]; p = 0.094), HRPFS: 0.8 ([95% CI: 0.5-1.2]; p = 0.271), HROS: 1.4 ([95% CI: 0.9-2.4]; p = 0.154). The IPI score was validated, and male sex (HREFS 2.5) and bulky disease (HREFS 2.2) were significant risk factors for EFS, PFS, and OS. Alemtuzumab added to CHOP increased response rates, but did not improve survival due to treatment-related toxicity.

Authors: G. G. Wulf, B. Altmann, M. Ziepert, F. D'Amore, G. Held, R. Greil, O. Tournilhac, T. Relander, A. Viardot, M. Wilhelm, C. Wilhelm, A. Pezzutto, J. M. Zijlstra, E. V. D. Neste, P. J. Lugtenburg, J. K. Doorduijn, M. V. Gelder, G. W. van Imhoff, F. Zettl, F. Braulke, M. Nickelsen, B. Glass, A. Rosenwald, P. Gaulard, M. Loeffler, M. Pfreundschuh, N. Schmitz, L. Trumper

Date Published: 10th May 2020

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: Six cycles of R-CHOP (rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone) are the standard treatment for aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In the FLYER trial, we assessed whether four cycles of CHOP plus six applications of rituximab are non-inferior to six cycles of R-CHOP in a population of patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma with favourable prognosis. METHODS: This two-arm, open-label, international, multicentre, prospective, randomised phase 3 non-inferiority trial was done at 138 clinical sites in Denmark, Israel, Italy, Norway, and Germany. We enrolled patients aged 18-60 years, with stage I-II disease, normal serum lactate dehydrogenase concentration, ECOG performance status 0-1, and without bulky disease (maximal tumour diameter <7.5 cm). Randomisation was computer-based and done centrally in a 1:1 ratio using the Pocock minimisation algorithm after stratification for centres, stage (I vs II), and extralymphatic sites (no vs yes). Patients were assigned to receive either six cycles of R-CHOP or four cycles of R-CHOP plus two doses of rituximab. CHOP comprised cyclophosphamide (750 mg/m(2)), doxorubicin (50 mg/m(2)), and vincristine (1.4 mg/m(2), with a maximum total dose of 2 mg), all administered intravenously on day 1, plus oral prednisone or prednisolone at the discretion of the investigator (100 mg) administered on days 1-5. Rituximab was given at a dose of 375 mg/m(2) of body surface area. Cycles were repeated every 21 days. No radiotherapy was planned except for testicular lymphoma treatment. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival after 3 years. The primary analysis was done in the intention-to-treat population. Safety was assessed in all patients who received at least one dose of assigned treatment. A non-inferiority margin of -5.5% was chosen. The trial, which is completed, was prospectively registered at, NCT00278421. FINDINGS: Between Dec 2, 2005, and Oct 7, 2016, 592 patients were enrolled, of whom 295 patients were randomly assigned to receive six cycles of R-CHOP and 297 were assigned to receive four cycles of R-CHOP plus two doses of rituximab. Four patients in the four-cycles group withdrew informed consent before the start of treatment, so 588 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. After a median follow-up of 66 months (IQR 42-100), 3-year progression-free survival of patients who had four cycles of R-CHOP plus two doses of rituximab was 96% (95% CI 94-99), which was 3% better (lower limit of the one-sided 95% CI for the difference was 0%) than six cycles of R-CHOP, demonstrating the non-inferiority of the four-cycles regimen. 294 haematological and 1036 non-haematological adverse events were documented in the four-cycles group compared with 426 haematological and 1280 non-haematological adverse events in the six-cycles group. Two patients, both in the six-cycles group, died during study therapy. INTERPRETATION: In young patients with aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and favourable prognosis, four cycles of R-CHOP is non-inferior to six cycles of R-CHOP, with relevant reduction of toxic effects. Thus, chemotherapy can be reduced without compromising outcomes in this population. FUNDING: Deutsche Krebshilfe.

Authors: V. Poeschel, G. Held, M. Ziepert, M. Witzens-Harig, H. Holte, L. Thurner, P. Borchmann, A. Viardot, M. Soekler, U. Keller, C. Schmidt, L. Truemper, R. Mahlberg, R. Marks, H. G. Hoeffkes, B. Metzner, J. Dierlamm, N. Frickhofen, M. Haenel, A. Neubauer, M. Kneba, F. Merli, A. Tucci, P. de Nully Brown, M. Federico, E. Lengfelder, A. di Rocco, R. Trappe, A. Rosenwald, C. Berdel, M. Maisenhoelder, O. Shpilberg, J. Amam, K. Christofyllakis, F. Hartmann, N. Murawski, S. Stilgenbauer, M. Nickelsen, G. Wulf, B. Glass, N. Schmitz, B. Altmann, M. Loeffler, M. Pfreundschuh

Date Published: 21st Dec 2019

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Background: Activation of telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) is a hallmark of most cancers, and is required to prevent genome instability and to establish cellular immortality through reconstitution of capping of chromosome ends. TMM depends on the cancer type. Comparative studies linking tumor biology and TMM have potential impact for evaluating cancer onset and development. Methods: We have studied alterations of telomere length, their sequence composition and transcriptional regulation in mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancers arising in Lynch syndrome (LS-CRC) and microsatellite instable (MSI) sporadic CRC (MSI s-CRC), and for comparison, in microsatellite stable (MSS) s-CRC and in benign colon mucosa. Our study applied bioinformatics analysis of whole genome DNA and RNA sequencing data and a pathway model to study telomere length alterations and the potential effect of the "classical" telomerase (TEL-) and alternative (ALT-) TMM using transcriptomic signatures. Results: We have found progressive decrease of mean telomere length in all cancer subtypes compared with reference systems. Our results support the view that telomere attrition is an early event in tumorigenesis. TMM gets activated in all tumors studied due to concerted overexpression of a large fraction of genes with direct relation to telomere function, where only a very small fraction of them showed recurrent mutations. TEL-related transcriptional state was dominating in all CRC subtypes, showing, however, subtype-specific activation patterns; while contribution of the ALT-TMM was slightly more prominent in the hypermutated MSI s-CRC and LS-CRC. TEL-TMM is mainly activated by over-expression of DKC1 and/or TERT genes and their interaction partners, where DKC1 is more prominent in MSS than in MSI s-CRC and can serve as a transcriptomic marker of TMM activity. Conclusions: Our results suggest that transcriptional patterns are indicative for TMM pathway activation with subtle differences between TEL and ALT mechanisms in a CRC subtype-specific fashion. Sequencing data potentially provide a suited measure to study alterations of telomere length and of underlying transcriptional regulation. Further studies are needed to improve this method.

Authors: L. Nersisyan, L. Hopp, H. Loeffler-Wirth, J. Galle, M. Loeffler, A. Arakelyan, H. Binder

Date Published: 22nd Nov 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: cancer

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