
5 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)
Human disease: dementia5

Abstract (Expand)

Background: Hippocampal volume, assessed via high-resolution MRI, is associated with memory and visuospatial performance in humans (Squire, 2004) and specifically prone to develop atrophy with age (Apostolova,2015). This process has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (Apostolova,2015) and a decline of cognitive functions (Bruno,2016). However, due to differences in study-design and characteristics certain heterogeneity in results remains, in particular considering subfieldspecific effects (deFlores,2015). Therefore, we aim to determine the association of volumes of the whole hippocampus and its subfields on cognition in a large population-based cohort. Methods: Subjects: 1956 healthy participants from the Leipzig Research-Center-for-Civilization-Disease, aged 19-82years with MRI and neuropsychological tests (mean-age=57.61,±15.08SD). Exclusion: stroke, major-brain-pathologies, central-nervous-medication. Independent Variables: Volume of hippocampus and its subfields (CornuAmmonis1, 2-3, 4-DentateGyrus,(Pre-)subiculum). Dependent Variables: Verbal word-list learning, verbal-fluency, TrailMakingTask-(TMT)-A&B. Covariates: sex, age, years-of-education, total grey-mattervolume Image Analysis on high-resolution T1-images assessed at 3T. Hippocampal volumes were estimated using automatic segmentation analysis implemented in FreeSurfer ( Statistical Analysis: Independent and dependent variables were first entered into Pearson Correlations. Variables with a correlation coefficient of r>0.1 were entered into multiple linear-regressions and adjusted for potential confounding(forward inclusion-model). Results: According to bivariate correlations, better performance in verbal-learning, verbal-fluency and TMT-A&B correlated moderately with larger whole-hippocampal volume and the volumes of all subfields(all |r|>0.102, all p0.046, all p0.5). Conclusions: Using a large cross-sectional cohort of healthy adults we found that volumes of the whole-hippocampus and subfields covering the CA4/dentate-gyrus region were weakly, yet specifically associated with verbal-learning and spatial processing-speed. Our preliminary results are in line with previous studies presuming a differential involvement of the hippocampus in tasks of verbal-learning and spatial processing (Oosterman,2010). Upcoming analyses implementing parcellation along the anteriorposterior- axis and random-effect-models might help to further disentangle these effects.

Authors: S. Huhn, R. Zhang, Frauke Beyer, L. Lampe, T. Luck, S. G. Riedel-Heller, M. L. Schroeter, Markus Löffler, M. Stumvoll, A. Villringer, A. V. Witte

Date Published: 1st Jul 2017

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: cognitive disorder, dementia


Not specified

Authors: S. Bisenius, J. Neumann, M. L. Schroeter

Date Published: 20th Jul 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: dementia, aphasia

Abstract (Expand)

Objectives: The concept of compression of morbidity suggests that compressing cognitive morbidity into a shorter lifetime period would result in a better cumulative lifetime cognitive functioning. Some lifestyle factors, like higher education, that are known to protect cognitive functioning in old age and lower dementia risk, could compress cognitive morbidity. Therefore the aim of our study was to investigate whether higher education leads to a better cumulative lifetime cognitive functioning and, hence, the compression of cognitive morbidity. Methods: Data were derived from the population-based Leipzig longitudinal study of the aged (LEILA75+). From 1998-2005, individuals aged 75 years and older underwent up to seven assessments at a 1.5-year interval and a long-term follow-up assessment after 15 years (2013). Analyses on the impact of higher education on compression of cognitive morbidity were carried out via multilevel logistic mixed-models and tobit analyses using the participants’ age as time scale (n=742). Results: The results revealed that more years of education were significantly associated with a better cognitive functioning but not with the age at dementia onset or the age at death. Computation of cumulative lifetime cognitive functioning was weighted for survival probability and indicated a gain of 21 MMSE points during the lifetime period 75 through 100 years of age by having more than 12 years of education compared to having less than 9 years of education. Conclusion: Overall, the findings suggest a compression of cognitive morbidity by higher education prior to dementia onset. More years of education could therefore contribute to a better cognitive functioning even under consideration of survival probability. Hence, efforts to ensure access to higher education for as many people in a population as possible might compress disease burden due to cognitive morbidity.

Authors: F. S. Then, T. Luck, H. Matschinger, M. C. Angermeyer, S. G. Riedel-Heller

Date Published: 1st Mar 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: dementia

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate how different mentally demanding work conditions during the professional life-i.e., enriched environments at work-might influence the rate of cognitive decline in old age. METHODS: Individuals (n = 1,054) of the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged, a representative population-based cohort study of individuals aged 75 years and older, underwent cognitive testing via the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in up to 6 measurement waves. Type and level of mentally demanding work conditions in the participants' former professional life were classified based on the O*NET job descriptor database. RESULTS: In multivariate mixed-model analyses (controlling for sociodemographic and health-related factors), a high level of mentally demanding work tasks stimulating verbal intelligence was significantly associated with a better cognitive functioning at baseline (on average 5 MMSE points higher) as well as a lower rate of cognitive decline (on average 2 MMSE points less) over the 8-year follow-up period compared with a low level. The rate of cognitive decline in old age was also significantly lower (on average 3 MMSE points less) in individuals who had a high level of mentally demanding work tasks stimulating executive functions than those who had a low level. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a professional life enriched with work tasks stimulating verbal intelligence and executive functions may help to sustain a good cognitive functioning in old age (75+ years). The findings thus emphasize that today's challenging work conditions may also promote positive health effects.

Authors: F. S. Then, T. Luck, M. Luppa, H. H. Konig, M. C. Angermeyer, S. G. Riedel-Heller

Date Published: 26th May 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: dementia

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVES: Persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) experience health-related quality of life (HRQoL) problems greatly differing across Europe, and the European Union (EU) faces deep inequalities in MS management from country to country. Through the establishment of a European MS Register (EUReMS), an effective action is proposed to improve the overall knowledge on MS and support effective intervention programmes at EU and national political level. EUReMS aims to achieve consensus on its mission and vision, to define existing data providers, to develop models driving future MS health policies and research, to develop an information technology (IT) infrastructure for a data set, to develop a European shared governance and to secure providers' data provision into EUReMS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: EUReMS is meant to build on a minimum set of core data from existing national and regional population-based MS registries and from PwMS' perspectives. EUReMS' main partner is the European MS Platform (EMSP) acting in collaboration with associated and collaborating European partners. RESULTS: EUReMS was launched in July 2011. A Consensus Statement on purposes, vision, mission and strategies was produced in December 2011, and a comprehensive survey on existing MS data collections in Europe has been performed, and the EUReMS data mask is currently being discussed. CONCLUSIONS: EUReMS will represent a tool to provide up to date, comparable and sustainable MS data through an effective and credible register, which will encourage extensive knowledge building of MS, more equitable policies and higher standards in MS treatment and services.

Authors: M. Pugliatti, D. Eskic, T. Mikolcic, D. Pitschnau-Michel, K. M. Myhr, J. Sastre-Garriga, S. Otero, L. Wieczynska, C. Torje, E. Holloway, O. Rienhoff, T. Friede, K. Buckow, D. Ellenberger, J. Hillert, A. Glaser, P. Flachenecker, J. Fuge, T. Schyns-Liharska, E. Kasilingam, A. Moretti, C. Thalheim

Date Published: 3rd Jan 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: dementia, Alzheimer's disease

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