LIFE Management Cluster1
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Human disease:
head and neck cancer1
Abstract (Expand)
Stratification of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) based on HPV16 DNA and RNA status, gene expression patterns, and mutated candidate genes may facilitate patient treatment decision. We …
Authors: G. Wichmann, M. Rosolowski, K. Krohn, M. Kreuz, A. Boehm, A. Reiche, U. Scharrer, D. Halama, J. Bertolini, U. Bauer, D. Holzinger, M. Pawlita, J. Hess, C. Engel, D. Hasenclever, M. Scholz, P. Ahnert, H. Kirsten, A. Hemprich, C. Wittekind, O. Herbarth, F. Horn, A. Dietz, M. Loeffler