
5 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)

Abstract (Expand)

Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is the most common B-cell lymphoma in children. Within the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), we performed whole genome and transcriptome sequencing of 39 sporadic BL. Here, we unravel interaction of structural, mutational, and transcriptional changes, which contribute to MYC oncogene dysregulation together with the pathognomonic IG-MYC translocation. Moreover, by mapping IGH translocation breakpoints, we provide evidence that the precursor of at least a subset of BL is a B-cell poised to express IGHA. We describe the landscape of mutations, structural variants, and mutational processes, and identified a series of driver genes in the pathogenesis of BL, which can be targeted by various mechanisms, including IG-non MYC translocations, germline and somatic mutations, fusion transcripts, and alternative splicing.

Authors: C. Lopez, K. Kleinheinz, S. M. Aukema, M. Rohde, S. H. Bernhart, D. Hubschmann, R. Wagener, U. H. Toprak, F. Raimondi, M. Kreuz, S. M. Waszak, Z. Huang, L. Sieverling, N. Paramasivam, J. Seufert, S. Sungalee, R. B. Russell, J. Bausinger, H. Kretzmer, O. Ammerpohl, A. K. Bergmann, H. Binder, A. Borkhardt, B. Brors, A. Claviez, G. Doose, L. Feuerbach, A. Haake, M. L. Hansmann, J. Hoell, M. Hummel, J. O. Korbel, C. Lawerenz, D. Lenze, B. Radlwimmer, J. Richter, P. Rosenstiel, A. Rosenwald, M. B. Schilhabel, H. Stein, S. Stilgenbauer, P. F. Stadler, M. Szczepanowski, M. A. Weniger, M. Zapatka, R. Eils, P. Lichter, M. Loeffler, P. Moller, L. Trumper, W. Klapper, S. Hoffmann, R. Kuppers, B. Burkhardt, M. Schlesner, R. Siebert

Date Published: 29th Mar 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Chromosomal translocations involving an immunoglobulin (IG) locus and a proto-oncogene play a major role in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) pathogenesis. Recurrent IG translocation partners in DLBCL are the BCL6, BCL2, and MYC genes, but other rare translocation partners are also known. We studied 20 DLBCL with fluorescence in situ hybridization-based evidence for IG heavy chain (IGH) locus-associated translocations not involving BCL6, BCL2, MALT1, or MYC by long distance inverse PCR to identify the translocation partners. Moreover, we studied eight DLBCL with MYC translocations not involving IG or known non-IG loci as translocation partner to search for novel MYC translocations. We identified three novel IGH-associated translocations. Chromosomal breakpoints involved the IMMP2L gene in 7q31, the BCAS2 gene in 1p13, and the PVRL2 gene in 19q13. The latter gene, which is recurrently translocated in T-cell lymphomas, is significantly higher expressed in the biopsy with the translocation compared to cases without this genetic aberration, indicating a pathogenetic role of PVRL2 also in DLBCL. In one case with a MYC break we obtained a novel MYC-SOCS1 translocation representing an unusual translocation of a proto-oncogene with a tumor suppressor gene. Indeed, we demonstrate that the oncogene was deregulated and the tumor suppressor gene inactivated. As both genes undergo aberrant somatic hypermutation in the region of the chromosomal breakpoints, this translocation likely happened as a byproduct of the hypermutation process. Overall, our study suggests that chromosomal translocations in DLBCL are more heterogeneous than previously known. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Authors: C. Otto, R. Scholtysik, R. Schmitz, M. Kreuz, C. Becher, M. Hummel, A. Rosenwald, L. Trumper, W. Klapper, R. Siebert, R. Kuppers

Date Published: 30th Jun 2016

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

The pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) is only partly understood. We analyzed 148 DLBCL by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-chips to characterize genomic imbalances. Seventy-nine cases were of the germinal center B-cell like (GCB) type of DLBCL, 49 of the activated B-cell like (ABC) subtype and 20 were unclassified DLBCL. Twenty-four regions of recurrent genomic gains and 38 regions of recurrent genomic losses were identified over the whole cohort, with a median of 25 imbalances per case for ABC-DLBCL and 19 per case for GCB-DLBCL. Several recurrent copy number changes showed differential frequencies in the GCB- and ABC-DLBCL subgroups, including gains of HDAC7A predominantly in GCB-DLBCL (38% of cases) and losses of BACH2 and CASP8AP2 predominantly in ABC-DLBCL (35%), hinting at disparate pathogenetic mechanisms in these entities. Correlating gene expression and copy number revealed a strong gene dosage effect in all tumors, with 34% of probesets showing a concordant expression change in affected regions. Two new potential tumor suppressor genes emerging from the analysis, CASP3 and IL5RA, were sequenced in ten and 16 candidate cases, respectively. However, no mutations were found, pointing to a potential haploinsufficiency effect of these genes, considering their reduced expression in cases with deletions. Our study thus describes differences and similarities in the landscape of genomic aberrations in the DLBCL subgroups in a large collection of cases, confirming already known targets, but also discovering novel copy number changes with possible pathogenetic relevance.

Authors: R. Scholtysik, M. Kreuz, M. Hummel, M. Rosolowski, M. Szczepanowski, W. Klapper, M. Loeffler, L. Trumper, R. Siebert, R. Kuppers

Date Published: 1st Mar 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Chromosomal translocations affecting the MYC oncogene are the biological hallmark of Burkitt lymphomas but also occur in a subset of other mature B-cell lymphomas. If accompanied by a chromosomal break targeting the BCL2 and/or BCL6 oncogene these MYC translocation-positive (MYC(+)) lymphomas are called double-hit lymphomas, otherwise the term single-hit lymphomas is applied. In order to characterize the biological features of these MYC(+) lymphomas other than Burkitt lymphoma we explored, after exclusion of molecular Burkitt lymphoma as defined by gene expression profiling, the molecular, pathological and clinical aspects of 80 MYC-translocation-positive lymphomas (31 single-hit, 46 double-hit and 3 MYC(+)-lymphomas with unknown BCL6 status). Comparison of single-hit and double-hit lymphomas revealed no difference in MYC partner (IG/non-IG), genomic complexity, MYC expression or gene expression profile. Double-hit lymphomas more frequently showed a germinal center B-cell-like gene expression profile and had higher IGH and MYC mutation frequencies. Gene expression profiling revealed 130 differentially expressed genes between BCL6(+)/MYC(+) and BCL2(+)/MYC(+) double-hit lymphomas. BCL2(+)/MYC(+) double-hit lymphomas more frequently showed a germinal center B-like gene expression profile. Analysis of all lymphomas according to MYC partner (IG/non-IG) revealed no substantial differences. In this series of lymphomas, in which immunochemotherapy was administered in only a minority of cases, single-hit and double-hit lymphomas had a similar poor outcome in contrast to the outcome of molecular Burkitt lymphoma and lymphomas without the MYC break. Our data suggest that, after excluding molecular Burkitt lymphoma and pediatric cases, MYC(+) lymphomas are biologically quite homogeneous with single-hit and double-hit lymphomas as well as IG-MYC and non-IG-MYC(+) lymphomas sharing various molecular characteristics.

Authors: S. M. Aukema, M. Kreuz, C. W. Kohler, M. Rosolowski, D. Hasenclever, M. Hummel, R. Kuppers, D. Lenze, G. Ott, C. Pott, J. Richter, A. Rosenwald, M. Szczepanowski, C. Schwaenen, H. Stein, H. Trautmann, S. Wessendorf, L. Trumper, M. Loeffler, R. Spang, P. M. Kluin, W. Klapper, R. Siebert

Date Published: 2nd Nov 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: non-Hodgkin lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most frequent type of B-cell lymphoma in adult patients but also occurs in children. Patients are currently assigned to therapy regimens based on arbitrarily chosen age limits only (eg, 18 or 60 years) and not biologically justified limits. A total of 364 diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and related mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas other than Burkitt lymphoma from all age groups were analyzed by comprehensive molecular profiling. The probability of several biologic features previously reported to be associated with poor prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, such as ABC subtype, BCL2 expression, or cytogenetic complexity, increases with age at diagnosis. Similarly, various genetic features, such as IRF4 translocations, gains in 1q21, 18q21, 7p22, and 7q21, as well as changes in 3q27, including gains and translocations affecting the BCL6 locus, are significantly associated with patient age, but no cut-offs between age groups could be defined. If age was incorporated in multivariate analyses, genetic complexity lost its prognostic significance, whereas the prognostic impact of ABC subtype and age were additive. Our data indicate that aging is a major determinant of lymphoma biology. They challenge current concepts regarding both prognostic biomarkers and treatment stratification based on strict age cut-offs.

Authors: W. Klapper, M. Kreuz, C. W. Kohler, B. Burkhardt, M. Szczepanowski, I. Salaverria, M. Hummel, M. Loeffler, S. Pellissery, W. Woessmann, C. Schwanen, L. Trumper, S. Wessendorf, R. Spang, D. Hasenclever, R. Siebert

Date Published: 23rd Feb 2012

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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