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6 Studies matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)
Contributor: Janne Pott6

Summary statistics of Meta-GWAS results will be made available upon acceptance of our manuscript.

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: Summary Statistics

Study type: Genetic study

Genome-wide Association Meta-Analyses of four steroid hormones (progesterone, 17-OH-progesterone, androstenedione, and aldosterone) and the ratio of testosterone to estradiol. Summary statistics of GWAMA results will be made available upon acceptance of our manuscript.

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: No Resources

Study type: Genetic study

Genome-wide Association Meta-Analyses of 32 phytosterol traits reflecting resorption, cholesterol synthesis and esterification in six studies with up to 9,758 subjects Summary statistics of GWAMA results will be made available upon acceptance of our manuscript.

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: Summary Statistics - Phytosterols

Study type: Genetic study

No description specified

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: Summary Statistics

Study type: Genetic study

We analysed if measuring PWV in different segments of the body leads to association with different genetic variants, as well as different heritability and different genetic correlation with other biological traits. Furthermore we searched for shared genetic architecture concerning PWV, blood pressure (BP) and coronary artery disease (CAD) and examined the causal relationship between PWV and BP.

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: Summary Statistic for PWV GWAS

Study type: Genetic study

We defined six operationalizations of CPB considering plaques in common carotid arteries, carotid bulb, and internal carotid arteries (maximal plaque area, mean plaque area, sum of plaque areas at all six regions, maximal degree of stenosis, mean degree of stenosis, and sum of stenosis at all six regions). Link to publication (PMID, DOI), Supplemental Figures and Tables, and Summary Statistics of GWAS will be made available upon acceptance of our manuscript.

Submitter: Janne Pott

Investigation: OMICS Investigations

Resources: Summary Statistics

Study type: Genetic study

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