
9 Publications matching the given criteria: (Clear all filters)
Author: Andreas Hinz9

Abstract (Expand)

<b>Objectives:</b> Mental demands at the workplace can be preventive against cognitive decline. However, personality shapes the way information is processed and we therefore assume that Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, would moderate the beneficial effects of workplace stimulation on cognitive outcomes. <b>Methods:</b> We analyzed data from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study (n = 6529). Cognitive outcomes were assessed via the Trail-Making Test (TMTA, TMTB) and the Verbal Fluency Test. Personality was assessed via the Personality Adjective List (16 AM). Mental demands were classified with the indices Verbal and Executive based on the O*NET database. <b>Results:</b> Multivariate regression analyses showed only two significant moderation effects of personality, i.e. in individuals with low scores on Conscientiousness/Openness, index Verbal was connected to better TMTB performance, while this effect disappeared for individuals with high values on the personality trait. However, the additional explained variance remained marginal. <b>Conclusion:</b> The findings suggest that personality does not modify associations between high mental demands at work and better cognitive functioning in old age; however, there is a tendency that high levels of Openness and Conscientiousness may offset effects of mental demands.

Authors: Felix S Hussenoeder, Ines Conrad, Susanne Roehr, Heide Glaesmer, Andreas Hinz, Cornelia Enzenbach, Christoph Engel, Veronika Witte, Matthias L Schroeter, Markus Loeffler, Joachim Thiery, Arno Villringer, Steffi G Riedel-Heller, Francisca S Rodriguez

Date Published: 25th May 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: mental depression

Abstract (Expand)

PURPOSE: The Sniffin' Sticks Screening 12 test is a test of olfactory performance based on pen-like odor dispensing devices. The aims of this study were to analyze the performance of this test in a general population sample and to explore associations between olfactory dysfunction and quality of life. METHODS: A large community sample (n = 7267) completed the Sniffin' Sticks Screening 12 test and several questionnaires measuring quality of life, anxiety, dispositional optimism, social support, and satisfaction with life. RESULTS: According to the criteria recommended by the test manufacturer, 5.1% of the participants were anosmic (score </= 6), 52.4% were dysosmic (7 </= score </= 10), and 42.5% were normosmic (score >/= 11). While frequencies of correct identification differed between the 12 sticks, all sticks contributed positively to the test results. The associations between olfactory functioning and quality of life variables were negligible. In the multivariate analyses, none of the associations reached the 1% significance level. CONCLUSIONS: While studies with patients in otorhinolaryngological clinics often report substantial detriments to their quality of life in relation to olfactory dysfunction, the present epidemiological study cannot confirm this association for the general population.

Authors: A. Hinz, T. Luck, S. G. Riedel-Heller, P. Y. Herzberg, C. Rolffs, K. Wirkner, C. Engel

Date Published: 21st Nov 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to test psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), to provide normative values, and to analyze associations between life satisfaction and sociodemographic and behavioral data. METHODS: A German community sample (n = 9711) with an age range of 18-80 years was surveyed using the SWLS and several other questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the dimensionality of the SWLS. Invariance across gender and age groups was tested with multiple-group CFA. Associations between SWLS, sociodemographic variables, and behavioral variables were tested with ANOVAs. RESULTS: Confirmatory factorial analysis results confirmed that the SWLS is a one-dimensional scale. Measurement invariance across gender was completely confirmed, while concerning age strict measurement invariance was confirmed. The effects of gender and age on satisfaction with life were weak. Satisfaction with life was associated with fatigue (r = - .49), the mental component of quality of life (r = .45), anxiety (r = - .42), dispositional optimism (r = .41), pessimism (r = - .34), sleep quality (r = - .32), and sociodemographic factors such as marital status, income, and occupational status. Non-smokers reported higher life satisfaction than smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the good psychometric properties, the SWLS can be recommended for use in epidemiological research. Normative values based on a large community sample are provided.

Authors: A. Hinz, I. Conrad, M. L. Schroeter, H. Glaesmer, E. Brahler, M. Zenger, R. D. Kocalevent, P. Y. Herzberg

Date Published: 29th Mar 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The PHQ-15 is widely used as an open access screening instrument for somatic symptoms in different health care settings. The objectives of the study were to contribute to the construct validity and to generate normative data for the PHQ-15. METHODS: The survey was conducted in the general population in Germany from August 2011 to November 2014 (n=9250). All participants underwent an extensive core assessment including a set of questionnaires. RESULTS: Men reported significantly less (p<0.001) physical symptoms than women (4.6 [SD=3.6] vs. 6.3 [SD=4.1]). The PHQ-15 total score was strongly correlated with the physical component of quality of life (r=-0.58), fatigue (r=0.56), anxiety (r=0.54) and sleep problems (r=0.54). While high socioeconomic status was associated with low prevalences of all complaints, obesity was associated with some of the complaints, especially shortness of breath and pain in arms, legs, and joints. Normative data for the PHQ-15 were generated for men and women. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation confirms the burden caused by somatic symptoms in terms of impaired physical quality of life. In association with psychosocial consequences such as anxiety as well as sleep problems, future studies should also focus on the disease burden of somatic symptoms. In addition, the normative data provide a framework for the interpretation and comparison with other populations.

Authors: A. Hinz, J. Ernst, H. Glaesmer, E. Brahler, F. G. Rauscher, K. Petrowski, R. D. Kocalevent

Date Published: 27th May 2017

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

Background/Objective: The Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) is often used to assess dispositional optimism. The aims of this study were to test psychometric properties of the LOT-R, to provide normative scores, and to test the association between optimism and several psychological, sociodemographic, and behavioral factors. Method: A randomly selected German general population community sample with an age range of 18-80 years (N = 9,711) was surveyed. Results: The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) proved two (correlated) factors: Optimism and Pessimism. Invariance tests across gender and age groups confirmed metric invariance. There were only small gender differences in the LOT-R total score (M = 16.4 for females and M = 16.1 for males). The correlation between the subscales Optimism and Pessimism was strong for young and well educated people. Low optimism mean scores were observed for unemployed people, people with low income, smokers, and obese people. Normative scores of the LOT-R are provided. Conclusions: The study confirmed the bidimensional structure of the LOT-R and invariance across age and gender. We can recommend using this instrument for measuring dispositional optimism and pessimism in epidemiological research and clinical practice.

Authors: A. Hinz, C. Sander, H. Glaesmer, E. Brähler, M. Zenger, A. Hilbert, R. D. Kocalevent

Date Published: 1st May 2017

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scales GAD-7 and GAD-2 are instruments for the assessment of anxiety. The aims of this study are to test psychometric properties of these questionnaires, to provide normative values, and to investigate associations with sociodemographic factors, quality of life, psychological variables, and behavioral factors. METHODS: A German community sample (n=9721) with an age range of 18-80 years was surveyed using the GAD-7 and several other questionnaires. RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the unidimensionality and measurement invariance of the GAD-7 across age and gender. Females were more anxious than males (mean scores: M=4.07 vs. M=3.01; effect size: d=0.33). There was no linear age trend. A total of 5.9% fulfilled the cut-off criterion of 10 and above. Anxiety was correlated with low quality of life, fatigue, low habitual optimism, physical complaints, sleep problems, low life satisfaction, low social support, low education, unemployment, and low income. Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption were also associated with heightened anxiety, especially in women. When comparing the GAD-7 (7 items) with the ultra-short GAD-2 (2 items), the GAD-7 instrument was superior to the GAD-2 regarding several psychometric criteria. LIMITATIONS: The response rate (33%) was low. Because of the cross-sectional character of the study, causal conclusions cannot be drawn. A further limitation is the lack of a gold standard for diagnosing anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: The GAD-7 can be recommended for use in clinical research and routine.

Authors: A. Hinz, A. M. Klein, E. Brahler, H. Glaesmer, T. Luck, S. G. Riedel-Heller, K. Wirkner, A. Hilbert

Date Published: 1st Mar 2017

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: generalized anxiety disorder

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is frequently used to assess sleep problems in patients. The aim of this study was to provide reference values for this questionnaire, to test psychometric properties, and to analyze associations with psychological, sociodemographic, and behavioral factors. METHODS: A German community sample comprising 9284 adult residents (aged 18-80 years) was surveyed using the PSQI and several other questionnaires. RESULTS: According to the generally accepted cut-off (PSQI > 5), 36% of the general population slept badly. Females reported significantly more sleep problems than males (mean scores: M = 5.5 vs. M = 4.4, respectively; effect size d = 0.35), but there was no linear association between age and sleep quality. Sleep problems were correlated with fatigue, quality of life (physical as well as mental), physical complaints, anxiety, and lack of optimism. Sleep quality was also strongly associated with socioeconomic status, professional situation (poorest sleep quality in unemployed people), and obesity. In addition to the results of the PSQI total score, mean scores of specific components of sleep quality were presented (sleep latency, sleep duration, and use of sleep medication). CONCLUSION: The PSQI proved to be a suitable instrument for measuring sleep quality. Gender differences, psychological factors, and obesity should be taken into account when groups of patients are compared with respect to sleep problems.

Authors: A. Hinz, H. Glaesmer, E. Brahler, M. Loffler, C. Engel, C. Enzenbach, U. Hegerl, C. Sander

Date Published: 21st Feb 2017

Publication Type: Journal article

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