The comprehensive IT-Infrastructure for epidemiological Research in LIFE


IT-infrastructure modularly consists of several software applications. A main application is responsible for the complex participant and ambulance man-agement. The participant management cope with selected participant data and contact information. To protect participant’s privacy, a participant identifier (PID) is created for each participant that is associated to all data which is managed and captured in the following. In ambulance management, each participant is associated with a predefined investigation program. This investigation program is represented in our systems by a tracking card that is available as print-out and electronically.


Introduction LIFE is a large epidemiological study aiming at causes of common civilization diseases including adiposity, dementia, and depression. Participants of the study are probands and patients. Probands are randomly selected and invited from the set of Leipzig (Germany) inhabitants while patients with known diseases are recruited from several local hospitals. The management of these participants, their invitation and contact after successful attendance as well as the support of nearly all ambulance processes requires a complex ambulance management. Each participant is examined by a set of investigation instruments including interviews, questionnaires, device-specific investigations, specimen extrac- tions and analyses. This necessitates a complex management of the participantspecific examination program but also specific input forms and systems allowing to capture administrative (measurement and process environment or specific set-ups) and scientific data. Additionally, the taken and prepared specimens need to be labeled and registered from which participant they stem and in which fridge or bio-tank they are stored. At the end, all captured data from ambu- lance management, investigation instruments and laboratory analyses need to be integrated before they can be analyzed. These complex processes and requirements necessitate a comprehensive IT-infrastructure. Methods Our IT-infrastructure modularly consists of several software applications. A main application is responsible for the complex participant and ambulance man- agement. The participant management cope with selected participant data and contact information. To protect participant’s privacy, a participant identifier (PID) is created for each participant that is associated to all data which is managed and captured in the following. In ambulance management, each participant is associated with a predefined investigation program. This investigation program is represented in our systems by a tracking card that is available as print-out and electronically. The electronic version of tracking cards is utilized by two software applications, the Assessment Battery and the CryoLab. The former system coordinates the input of scientific data into online input forms. The input forms are designed in the open source system LimeSurvey. Moreover, the Assessment Battery is used to monitor the input process, i.e., it shows which investigations are already completed and which of them are still to do. The Cryolab system registers and tracks all taken specimens and is used to annotate extraction and specific preparation processes, e.g., for DNA isolation. Moreover, it tracks specimen storage in fridges and bio-tanks. A central component is the metadata repository collecting metadata from ambulance management and data input systems. It is the base for the integra- tion of relevant scientific data into a central research database. The integration follows a mapping-based approach. The research database makes raw data and special pre-computations called derivatives available for later data analysis. Results & Discussion We designed and implemented a complex and comprehensive IT-infrastructure for the epidemiological research in LIFE. This infrastructure consists of several software applications which are loosely coupled over specified interfaces. Most of the software applications are new implementations; only for capturing scientific data external software application are applied.

Projects: LIFE - Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases

Publication type: Not specified

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified


Date Published: 30th Sep 2013

Registered Mode: manually

Authors: Toralf Kirsten, A. Kiel, M. Kleinert, R. Speer, M. Rühle, Hans Binder, Markus Löffler

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Views: 3690

Created: 9th May 2019 at 12:15

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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