On the impact of relatedness on SNP association analysis


BACKGROUND When testing for SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) associations in related individuals, observations are not independent. Simple linear regression assuming independent normally distributed residuals results in an increased type I error and the power of the test is also affected in a more complicate manner. Inflation of type I error is often successfully corrected by genomic control. However, this reduces the power of the test when relatedness is of concern. In the present paper, we derive explicit formulae to investigate how heritability and strength of relatedness contribute to variance inflation of the effect estimate of the linear model. Further, we study the consequences of variance inflation on hypothesis testing and compare the results with those of genomic control correction. We apply the developed theory to the publicly available HapMap trio data (N=129), the Sorbs (a self-contained population with N=977 characterised by a cryptic relatedness structure) and synthetic family studies with different sample sizes (ranging from N=129 to N=999) and different degrees of relatedness. RESULTS We derive explicit and easily to apply approximation formulae to estimate the impact of relatedness on the variance of the effect estimate of the linear regression model. Variance inflation increases with increasing heritability. Relatedness structure also impacts the degree of variance inflation as shown for example family structures. Variance inflation is smallest for HapMap trios, followed by a synthetic family study corresponding to the trio data but with larger sample size than HapMap. Next strongest inflation is observed for the Sorbs, and finally, for a synthetic family study with a more extreme relatedness structure but with similar sample size as the Sorbs. Type I error increases rapidly with increasing inflation. However, for smaller significance levels, power increases with increasing inflation while the opposite holds for larger significance levels. When genomic control is applied, type I error is preserved while power decreases rapidly with increasing variance inflation. CONCLUSIONS Stronger relatedness as well as higher heritability result in increased variance of the effect estimate of simple linear regression analysis. While type I error rates are generally inflated, the behaviour of power is more complex since power can be increased or reduced in dependence on relatedness and the heritability of the phenotype. Genomic control cannot be recommended to deal with inflation due to relatedness. Although it preserves type I error, the loss in power can be considerable. We provide a simple formula for estimating variance inflation given the relatedness structure and the heritability of a trait of interest. As a rule of thumb, variance inflation below 1.05 does not require correction and simple linear regression analysis is still appropriate.

DOI: 10.1186/s12863-017-0571-x

Projects: Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology

Publication type: Journal article

Journal: BMC genetics

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified

Citation: BMC Genet 18(1),104

Date Published: 1st Dec 2017

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: Arnd Gross, Anke Tönjes, Markus Scholz

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Gross, A., Tönjes, A., & Scholz, M. (2017). On the impact of relatedness on SNP association analysis. In BMC Genetics (Vol. 18, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12863-017-0571-x

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Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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