Association between lipoprotein(a) level and type 2 diabetes: no evidence for a causal role of lipoprotein(a) and insulin


AIMS Inverse relationships have been described between the largely genetically determined levels of serum/plasma lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], type 2 diabetes (T2D) and fasting insulin. Here, we aimed to evaluate the nature of these relationships with respect to causality. METHODS We tested whether we could replicate the recent negative findings on causality between Lp(a) and T2D by employing the Mendelian randomization (MR) approach using cross-sectional data from three independent cohorts, Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II; n = 2012), LIFE-Adult (n = 3281) and LIFE-Heart (n = 2816). Next, we explored another frequently discussed hypothesis in this context: Increasing insulin levels during the course of T2D disease development inhibits hepatic Lp(a) synthesis and thereby might explain the inverse Lp(a)-T2D association. We used two fasting insulin-associated variants, rs780094 and rs10195252, as instrumental variables in MR analysis of n = 4937 individuals from BASE-II and LIFE-Adult. We further investigated causality of the association between fasting insulin and Lp(a) by combined MR analysis of 12 additional SNPs in LIFE-Adult. RESULTS While an Lp(a)-T2D association was observed in the combined analysis (meta-effect of OR [95% CI] = 0.91 [0.87-0.96] per quintile, p = 1.3x10(-4)), we found no evidence of causality in the Lp(a)-T2D association (p = 0.29, fixed effect model) when using the variant rs10455872 as the instrumental variable in the MR analyses. Likewise, no evidence of a causal effect of insulin on Lp(a) levels was found. CONCLUSIONS While these results await confirmation in larger cohorts, the nature of the inverse Lp(a)-T2D association remains to be elucidated.

DOI: 10.1007/s00592-017-1036-4

Projects: Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology

Publication type: Journal article

Journal: Acta diabetologica

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified

Citation: Acta Diabetol 54(11):1031-1038

Date Published: 1st Nov 2017

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: Nikolaus Buchmann, Markus Scholz, Christina M. Lill, Ralph Burkhardt, Rahel Eckardt, Kristina Norman, Markus Loeffler, Lars Bertram, Joachim Thiery, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Ilja Demuth

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Buchmann, N., Scholz, M., Lill, C. M., Burkhardt, R., Eckardt, R., Norman, K., Loeffler, M., Bertram, L., Thiery, J., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., & Demuth, I. (2017). Association between lipoprotein(a) level and type 2 diabetes: no evidence for a causal role of lipoprotein(a) and insulin. In Acta Diabetologica (Vol. 54, Issue 11, pp. 1031–1038). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

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Created: 15th Sep 2020 at 06:44

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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